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- #define FILE_NUM 4
- /* Copyright (c) 1990-1992 by the University of Illinois Board of Trustees */
- /************************************************************************
- * functions to convert files to binhex and back again
- * much of this code is patterned after xbin by Dave Johnson, Brown University
- * Some is lifted straight from xbin. Our thanks to Dave & Brown.
- ************************************************************************/
- // this code was then lifted from eudora. mxm
- // 12-9-93 made it stand alone and work with drop shell code. mxm
- typedef unsigned char *UPtr;
- typedef Handle UHandle;
- #include <string.h>
- #include "DSGlobals.h"
- #define True 1
- #define False 0
- #define LDRef(h) (*h)
- #define UL(h)
- #define BINHEX_OPEN 5807
- #define BUFFER_SIZE 4096
- #define MEM_ERR 6417
- #define BINHEX_READ 5811
- #define NuHandle NewHandle
- #define NuPtr NewPtr
- #define SetHandleBig SetHandleSize
- #define FILL(pb,name,vRef,dirId) do { \
- (pb).ioNamePtr = name; \
- (pb).ioVRefNum = vRef; \
- (pb).ioDirID = dirId; \
- } while (0)
- Boolean DontTranslate; /* don't use translation tables */
- Boolean CommandPeriod; /* has cmd-. been pressed lately? */
- /************************************************************************
- * Declarations for private routines
- ************************************************************************/
- void comp_q_crc_out(unsigned short c);
- short EncodeDataChar(Byte c, UPtr toSpot);
- int BinHexFork(short refN, UHandle dataBuffer,short dataSize,
- Handle codedBuffer,UPtr name);
- /************************************************************************
- * six to eight bit conversion table
- ************************************************************************/
- Byte BinHexTable[64] = {
- 0x21, 0x22, 0x23, 0x24, 0x25, 0x26, 0x27, 0x28,
- 0x29, 0x2a, 0x2b, 0x2c, 0x2d, 0x30, 0x31, 0x32,
- 0x33, 0x34, 0x35, 0x36, 0x38, 0x39, 0x40, 0x41,
- 0x42, 0x43, 0x44, 0x45, 0x46, 0x47, 0x48, 0x49,
- 0x4a, 0x4b, 0x4c, 0x4d, 0x4e, 0x50, 0x51, 0x52,
- 0x53, 0x54, 0x55, 0x56, 0x58, 0x59, 0x5a, 0x5b,
- 0x60, 0x61, 0x62, 0x63, 0x64, 0x65, 0x66, 0x68,
- 0x69, 0x6a, 0x6b, 0x6c, 0x6d, 0x70, 0x71, 0x72 };
- unsigned long CalcCrc;
- Byte State86;
- Byte SavedBits;
- Byte LineLength;
- #define LCODE(dc) codedSpot += EncodeDataChar(dc,*codedBuffer+codedSpot)
- #define CODE(dc) do { \
- LCODE(dc); \
- if ((Byte)dc==(Byte)0x90) LCODE(0); \
- comp_q_crc_out(dc); \
- } while (0)
- #define CODESHORT(ds) do {short copy=ds; UPtr cp=&ds; \
- CODE(cp[0]); CODE(cp[1]);} while(0)
- #define CODELONG(dl) do {long copy=dl; UPtr cp=&dl; \
- CODE(cp[0]); CODE(cp[1]); CODE(cp[2]); CODE(cp[3]);} while(0)
- short MyResolveAlias(short *vRef,long *dirId,UPtr name,Boolean *wasAlias);
- short SendTrans(short lines ,Ptr buffptr,short buffsize);
- void WriteZero(UPtr pointer,long size);
- void WarnUser (short id,short code);
- void ComposeRString (void );
- void GetRString (void );
- long GetRLong (long id);
- short FSHOpen(UPtr name,short vRefN,long dirId,short *refN,short perm);
- short RFHOpen(UPtr name,short vRefN,long dirId,short *refN,short perm);
- void FileSystemError (short id,StringPtr name,short err);
- short HGetFileInfo(short vRef,long dirId,UPtr name,HFileInfo *hfi);
- int SendBinHex(short vRef,long dirId,UPtr name);
- void PushProgress(StringPtr name);
- void ByteProgress(StringPtr text,short start,long amount);
- void PopProgress(StringPtr name);
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- void PushProgress(StringPtr name)
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- {
- SetPort(gSplashScreen);
- EraseRect(&gSplashScreen->portRect);
- MoveTo(10,18);
- DrawString(name);
- }
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- void PopProgress(StringPtr name)
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- {
- SetPort(gSplashScreen);
- //EraseRect(&gSplashScreen->portRect);
- MoveTo(10,38);
- DrawString(name);
- }
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- void ByteProgress(StringPtr text,short sub,long amount)
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- {
- Str255 temp;
- Rect r;
- static long curamount;
- if (amount!=0)
- curamount = amount;
- curamount += sub;
- SetPort(gSplashScreen);
- r = gSplashScreen->portRect;
- r.top = 20;
- r.bottom = 40;
- EraseRect(&r);
- MoveTo(10,38);
- if (text)
- DrawString(text);
- NumToString(curamount,&temp);
- r.top = 40;
- r.bottom = 60;
- EraseRect(&r);
- MoveTo(10,58);
- DrawString(temp);
- }
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- short SendTrans(short lines ,Ptr buffptr,short buffsize)
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- {
- short oe;
- long count = buffsize;
- oe = FSWrite(gRefNum,&count,buffptr);
- return oe;
- }
- /**********************************************************************
- * write zeroes over an area of memory
- **********************************************************************/
- void WriteZero(UPtr pointer,long size)
- {
- while (size--) *pointer++ = 0;
- }
- void WarnUser (short id,short code)
- {
- }
- void ComposeRString (void)
- {
- }
- void GetRString (void)
- {
- }
- long GetRLong (long id)
- {
- return id;
- }
- /************************************************************************
- * FSHOpen - like FSOpen, but takes a dirId and permissions, too.
- ************************************************************************/
- short FSHOpen(UPtr name,short vRefN,long dirId,short *refN,short perm)
- {
- HIOParam pb;
- int err;
- Str255 newName;
- //PCopy(newName,name);
- BlockMove(name,newName,(*name) + 1);
- if (err=MyResolveAlias(&vRefN,&dirId,newName,nil)) return(err);
- pb.ioNamePtr = newName;
- pb.ioVRefNum = vRefN;
- pb.ioPermssn = perm;
- pb.ioMisc = nil;
- ((HFileParam *)&pb)->ioDirID = dirId;
- err = PBHOpen(&pb,False);
- if (!err) *refN = pb.ioRefNum;
- return(err);
- }
- /************************************************************************
- * RFHOpen - like RFOpen, but with dirId and permissions
- ************************************************************************/
- short RFHOpen(UPtr name,short vRefN,long dirId,short *refN,short perm)
- {
- HIOParam pb;
- int err;
- pb.ioCompletion = nil;
- pb.ioNamePtr = name;
- pb.ioVRefNum = vRefN;
- pb.ioVersNum = 0;
- pb.ioPermssn = perm;
- pb.ioMisc = nil;
- ((HFileParam *)&pb)->ioDirID = dirId;
- err = PBHOpenRF(&pb,False);
- if (!err) *refN = pb.ioRefNum;
- return(err);
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- void FileSystemError (short id,StringPtr name,short err)
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- {
- ParamText(name,"\p","\p","\p");
- Alert(1003,nil);
- }
- /************************************************************************
- * MyResolveAlias - resolve an alias
- ************************************************************************/
- short MyResolveAlias(short *vRef,long *dirId,UPtr name,Boolean *wasAlias)
- {
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- short HGetFileInfo(short vRef,long dirId,UPtr name,HFileInfo *hfi)
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- {
- short err,oe;
- Str255 newName;
- //PCopy(newName,name);
- BlockMove(name,newName,(*name) + 1);
- // if (err=MyResolveAlias(&vRef,&dirId,newName,nil)) return(err);
- WriteZero(hfi,sizeof(*hfi));
- FILL(*hfi,newName,vRef,dirId);
- oe = PBHGetFInfo(hfi,False);
- return(oe);
- }
- /************************************************************************
- * SendBinHex - send a file as BinHex data
- ************************************************************************/
- int SendBinHex(short vRef,long dirId,UPtr name)
- {
- short refN=0;
- UHandle dataBuffer=nil;
- UHandle codedBuffer=nil;
- short dataSize;
- short codedSize;
- short codedSpot;
- int err;
- HFileInfo hfp;
- Str255 scratch;
- UPtr spot;
- /*
- * find the file, and get info
- */
- err = HGetFileInfo(vRef,dirId,name,&hfp);
- if (err) {FileSystemError(BINHEX_OPEN,name,err); goto done;}
- /*
- * allocate the buffers
- */
- codedSize = GetRLong(BUFFER_SIZE);
- dataSize = codedSize/3;
- if (!(dataBuffer = (UHandle)NuHandle(dataSize)) || !(codedBuffer=(UHandle)NuHandle(codedSize)))
- {WarnUser(MEM_ERR,MemError()); goto done;}
- //ComposeRString(scratch,BINHEX_PROG_FMT,name);
- PushProgress(name);
- ByteProgress(scratch,0,hfp.ioFlLgLen+hfp.ioFlRLgLen);
- /*
- * send the header
- */
- //GetRString(scratch,BINHEX_OUT);
- strcpy(scratch,"\p\r(This file must be converted with BinHex 4.0)\r\r:");
- if (err=SendTrans(1,scratch+1,*scratch)) goto done;
- /*
- * send the file information
- */
- DontTranslate = True;
- LineLength = 1;
- State86 = CalcCrc = codedSpot = 0;
- name[*name+1] = 0;
- for (spot=name;*spot;spot++)
- CODE(*spot);
- CODE(0);
- CODELONG(hfp.ioFlFndrInfo.fdType);
- CODELONG(hfp.ioFlFndrInfo.fdCreator);
- CODESHORT(hfp.ioFlFndrInfo.fdFlags);
- CODELONG(hfp.ioFlLgLen);
- CODELONG(hfp.ioFlRLgLen);
- {
- unsigned short tempCrc;
- comp_q_crc_out(0);
- comp_q_crc_out(0);
- tempCrc = CalcCrc&0xffff;
- CODESHORT(tempCrc);
- CalcCrc = 0;
- }
- if (err=SendTrans(1,LDRef(codedBuffer),codedSpot)) goto done;
- codedSpot = 0;
- UL(codedBuffer);
- /*
- * data fork
- */
- if (!vRef)
- {FileSystemError(BINHEX_OPEN,name,0);goto done;}
- if (err = FSHOpen(name,vRef,dirId,&refN,fsRdPerm))
- {FileSystemError(BINHEX_OPEN,name,err); goto done;}
- err = BinHexFork(refN,dataBuffer,dataSize,codedBuffer,name);
- if (err) goto done;
- /*
- * resource fork
- */
- if (refN) FSClose(refN);
- refN = 0;
- if (err = RFHOpen(name,vRef,dirId,&refN,fsRdPerm)){
- FileSystemError(BINHEX_OPEN,name,err);
- goto done;
- }
- err = BinHexFork(refN,dataBuffer,dataSize,codedBuffer,name);
- if (err) goto done;
- /*
- * leftovers
- */
- if (State86) CODE(0);
- (*codedBuffer)[codedSpot++] = ':';
- for (err=0;err<*NewLine;) {
- (*codedBuffer)[codedSpot++] = NewLine[++err];
- }
- err = SendTrans(1,LDRef(codedBuffer),codedSpot);
- done:
- if (refN) FSClose(refN);
- if (dataBuffer) DisposHandle(dataBuffer);
- if (codedBuffer) DisposHandle(codedBuffer);
- PopProgress("\pDone");
- DontTranslate = False;
- return(err);
- }
- /************************************************************************
- * BinHexFork - send one fork of a file as BinHex data
- ************************************************************************/
- int BinHexFork(short refN, UHandle dataBuffer,short dataSize,
- Handle codedBuffer,UPtr name)
- {
- long dataEnd;
- short codedSpot=0;
- int err;
- unsigned char *spot;
- int errWas;
- do
- {
- dataEnd = dataSize;
- err = FSRead(refN,&dataEnd,LDRef(dataBuffer));
- if (!err || err==eofErr)
- {
- errWas = err;
- for (spot = *dataBuffer; spot<*dataBuffer+dataEnd; spot++)
- CODE(*spot);
- err=SendTrans(1,LDRef(codedBuffer),codedSpot);
- UL(codedBuffer);
- codedSpot = 0;
- if (!err) err = errWas;
- ByteProgress(nil,-dataEnd,0);
- }
- UL(dataBuffer);
- if (err && err!=eofErr && !CommandPeriod)
- FileSystemError(BINHEX_READ,name,err);
- }
- while (!err);
- if (err==eofErr)
- {
- {
- unsigned short tempCrc;
- comp_q_crc_out(0);
- comp_q_crc_out(0);
- tempCrc = CalcCrc&0xffff;
- CODESHORT(tempCrc);
- CalcCrc = 0;
- }
- err=SendTrans(1,LDRef(codedBuffer),codedSpot);
- UL(codedBuffer);
- }
- return(err==eofErr ? noErr : err);
- }
- /************************************************************************
- * EncodeDataChar - encode an 8-bit data char into a six-bit buffer
- * returns the number of valid encoded characters generated
- ************************************************************************/
- short EncodeDataChar(Byte c, UPtr toSpot)
- {
- UPtr spotWas=toSpot;
- UPtr nSpot;
- #define ADDNEWLINE() do { \
- LineLength = 0; \
- for (nSpot=NewLine+1;nSpot<=NewLine+*NewLine;nSpot++) \
- *toSpot++ = *nSpot; \
- } while (0)
- switch (State86++)
- {
- case 0:
- *toSpot++ = BinHexTable[(c>>2)&0x3f];
- SavedBits = (c&0x3)<<4;
- if (++LineLength == 64) ADDNEWLINE();
- break;
- case 1:
- *toSpot++ = BinHexTable[SavedBits | ((c>>4)&0xf)];
- SavedBits = (c&0xf)<<2;
- if (++LineLength == 64) ADDNEWLINE();
- break;
- case 2:
- *toSpot++ = BinHexTable[SavedBits | ((c>>6)&0x3)];
- if (++LineLength == 64) ADDNEWLINE();
- *toSpot++ = BinHexTable[c&0x3f];
- if (++LineLength == 64) ADDNEWLINE();
- State86 = 0;
- break;
- }
- return(toSpot-spotWas);
- }
- /************************************************************************
- * comp_q_crc_out - lifted from xbin
- ************************************************************************/
- #define BYTEMASK 0xff
- #define BYTEBIT 0x100
- #define WORDMASK 0xffff
- #define WORDBIT 0x10000
- #define CRCCONSTANT 0x1021
- void comp_q_crc_out(unsigned short c)
- {
- register unsigned long temp = CalcCrc;
- /* Never mind why I call it WOP... */
- #define WOP { \
- c <<= 1; \
- if ((temp <<= 1) & WORDBIT) \
- temp = (temp & WORDMASK) ^ CRCCONSTANT; \
- temp ^= (c >> 8); \
- c &= BYTEMASK; \
- }
- WOP;
- WOP;
- WOP;
- WOP;
- WOP;
- WOP;
- WOP;
- WOP;
- CalcCrc = temp;
- }
- //void xmain(void)
- //{
- //NewLine[0]=1;
- //NewLine[1]=13;
- //NewLine[2]=0;
- //
- // Create("\pTest binhex out",-1,'R*ch','TEXT');
- // FSOpen("\pTest binhex out",-1,&gRefNum);
- // SendBinHex(-1,0,"\pAUX:TestBinhex");
- // FSClose(gRefNum);
- //}
- //